Integrate with LINE Message Make Obtain Sports Data Easily


After completing the training through TEKFIT, connect the "IMAS IMOTEK Motion Analysis Services " to the real-time analysis of sports data reports, and use the communication software LINE to view the complete sports performance.

IMOTEK official LINE Account Features

IMOTEK-Official LINE Account-About IMOTEK

Enter the menu of IMOTEK official account and click on "About IMOTEK" to provide information on various products and services, and contact information.

IMOTEK-Official LINE Account-Activty Record IMAS
Activty Record IMAS

Enter the menu of IMOTEK official account and click on "Activty Record IMAS" to obtain your report after your Training.

IMOTEK-Official LINE Account-View Your Reports
View Your Reports

Evaluation Report (Cycling Posture Performance, Knee Stability, Knee Motion Trajectory)



Official LINE Account